Poorly Poppets




I'm worried about my pregnancy/baby/child?

Here are some resources we have selected to help you with your child's wellbeing:

Parenting Support:

Please see the link below for helpful parent support tool.

What 0-18 has a huge wealth of information to help you through pregnancy, concerns with your baby and child as they grow up (ranging from minor ailments to severe illness to mental health problems)

We are delighted that we have restarted Poorly Poppets parent education sessions. We will aim to do 2-3 sessions a year so try to come to one at some point, when your baby is around 3-9 months of age. It is a one hour session giving advice on what to expect as your baby’s immune system develops, what to do if they are feverish, having difficulty breathing, unwell or choking,  (amongst other things….), and when to worry.

Your baby is welcome to come along too and we will be serving hot drinks and homemade cakes. Dr Perks will run the session and they are held at Hope Chapel in Hotwells, in the same place our health visitors run their drop-in clinics. We will text invites to eligible parents near the time.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Poorly Poppets

Upcoming Sessions

Next sessions: 
Tuesday 8th Ocotber, at 11:00am - Tea and cake from 10:45am at The Redland Quaker Meeting House in the Large Meeting Room, https://redlandquakers.org.uk/

If you would like to attend the next session of Dr Perks' Poorly Poppets with us please use the short "Express Interest" form below. 

We do not require any personal details from you. This form is just so we can get an estimate on the number of parents/children who will be attending.

Please do not complete and submit the form until we have announced the date of the next session

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Poorly Poppets Express Interest Form
Please pick one of the session date shown above in the "Upcoming Sessions"

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Poorly Poppets Video

Recorded in lockdown 2020.

Dr Perks, one of our GPs, who has a background in paediatrics and children of her own, has made videos to answer as many of your questions as possible:

A few notes on the video:

  1. Note all children of 3 months and under should seek medical help if they have a fever >37.8'C
  2. Asymptomatic means a well child displaying no symptoms at all 
  3. This advice is given in September 2020 based on best practice, NICE, PHE and NHS England guidance and advice from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health